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Mod-80 – Thanks, and well said yourself!
SDHN – Thanks!
dunno – “Mod 80: The question boils down to what exten you will put up gedarim. Most people I know have no problem walking past a McDonalds even though you can smell their food. The opposite is here where lots of people think mixed seating is wrong.”
Thats because you only need to stay away from temptations (as Modd-80 said), and most people you know probably little to no tayveh to eat McDonalds. But if they did, then yes they should stay away from it.
oomis1105 – “in those times when men and women were separated most of the time, it WAS potentially enticing for them to be in yichud together, and they could not be trusted.”
I was always under the impression that just the opposite: if the great people of then had to be so careful, how much more so do we now after so much yiridas hadoros have to be super careful!
“Maybe we should not let people buy food in the supermarket, eiother. they might eat fleishigs and milchigs together. That cheeseburger smelled mighty tempting.”
As I explained earlier in this comment to dunno, the amount of precautions one must take about an aveira depends on how great your tayvah for it is. And seeing as nobody I know has a yetzer hara for treif that is anything close to a yetzer hara for arayos, I don’t believe these cases are comparable.
Dovv – Very well said, I couldn’t agree more!