Reply To: Mixed Seating

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tomim tihye

Oomis, my post did not refer to people like you; many people have not built marriages as strong as yours, unfortunately.

My point was that sitting in a group setting can more easily lead to unhealthy comparisons than sitting separately. IMO, the jewelry factor plays a greater role when women are sitting next to their husbands; to an insecure woman, Plonis’ jewelry may state, “Her husband earns more than mine,” or “Her husband cares about her more than mine does.”

You speak about your husband when sitting with other women?

Well, I did think highly of us ladies until you mentioned this:)

And I agree that, for the most part, women are not so shallow as to compare male physiques, but, like you said, only “for the most part.” While those who want to compare their husbands to others will find ample opportunity to do so, would their test not be reduced if the men were out of sight?

Can we bring ourselves to sacrifice the time seated near our spouses so that some of us would be spared the test of comparing? Would it not be an act of Ahavas Yisroel?