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I heard a beautiful speech inwhich the speaker said there are two types of unity. One that comes when something harsh happens and people come together. And one that happens because they really feel connected like at har Sinai.

With the first one, while it might work to bring people together like when there is a tradegy and they feel for each other. Sometimes, it’s a situation like everyone is stuck in elevator and they have to get along. This last example is just for the each individuals sake.

But at Har Sinai, that was true unity because they truely felt connected to each other.

The way to achieve this is to work on looking PAST the SURFACE and FOCUS on each other’s SPECIAL NESHAMA.

Now of course, people sometimes need constructive criticism, and we should give someone that if they need it. That is also a form of love. But if they are following halacha and do it differently than you, you might not agree, but don’t Disrespect them.

We have to be careful Not just with gossip stories but also Hurtful words towards someone

The speaker I heard said that achdus is very important because it’s one of the things that we need to acquire Torah, like in the Purim story when they united and re-accepted the Torah