Reply To: Obamas position on gay marriage

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Ben Levi

Far East,

Yopu happen to be making a common error.

The American Revolution was a repudiation of the “divine right to rule” in Europe the commonly held notion was that G-d gave rulers their power and the “common folks” rights wer then granted to them by the rulers.

The Founding Fathers repudiated that by stateing clearly in the Declaration of Indepence that each person is entitled to Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as granted to them by G-d.

By stating that basic human rights were granted by G-d and not by human they were stating impliclty that these rights cannot be infringed upon by humans.

The entire foundation of the philosophy espoused by the Founding Fathers was in “founding” this country is that we are under “g-d” rule.

It is this beleif system that allowed the founding of this country and it is this that allows us to freely practice our religion.