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mod in bold and syag, there is no identifying info in what i said. identifying info would be something like name, social security number, address, date of birth. i dont believe presenting case info like this violates HIPPA. i do appreciate the concern though. i have another interesting pt as well but i am not posting it for a couple of reasons.

health, i did not post the bold part-the mod did.

its an school aged kid (less than 10). they did hemeglobin electrophoresis-results were normal. cbc was normal besides wbc was 24 iirc. electrolytes were normal too i think. they did an I&D of the abscess but apparently there was not a lot of puss. the surrounding tissue and muscle was inflammed though.

i kinda doubt the dirty needle theory. the kid is petrified of needles. he needs EMLA every time for blood draws and come near him with a syringe and he shreeks (some of the meds are on syringe pump…).

the drug seeker had PN and would take n/t PO. IV only abx. docs only ordered tylenol q4 for pain and he wanted stronger. security had to be called a few times to speak to him-basically either stop threatening the docs or be discharged/leave AMA. it was pretty scary. i made my instructor come in w/ me when i gave the meds

mrs critique, i kinda doubt you know this pt…

mods, can you tell me which points make you uncomfortable? its possible they can be deleted w/o making the post confusing.