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Thinking mom -“You seem so sure of what went down, considering that we only have one side of the story (the other side being dead). What would be wrong with having a trial and allowing Zimmerman to argue that he acted in self-defense? Let him prove it in court- if he can, he will be acquitted, if he can’t, he goes to jail. Someone is dead- of course the person who did it is going to claim he had a good reason for it. Since when do we just take his word for and not investigate? Again, if he really acted justly, he sould be able to prove it in court.”

I hope you don’t teach anything besides reading & writing & ‘rithmetic in school because you have no concept about US laws and our Constitution. While they are investigating this case (local LE) there is absolutely, right now, No reason to indict him and have him stand trial. Do you really believe that just because s/o could have committed a crime -that they should stand trial? Do you even know what a trial in this country entails? The Constitution offers protections against this type of behavior by the Gov. We supposedly are a free & law-abiding country and we can’t just put s/o on trial because a Mob is screaming -“No Justice -No peace!” This isn’t Communist Russia!

“The claim that Zimmerman can’t be racist because he’s a minority is ridiculous. I teach in a NYC public school and believe me, minorities are all racist against each other. The blacks and the Hispanics particularly hate each other. And I don’t buy the “some of my best friends are [insert group here]”- I don’t buy it when someone says it about Jews, and I don’t buy it when it’s about any other group.”

Read my comment above!