I hope i didnt offend anyone it is only my opinion not daas torah
DAAS YOCHID When a bochur goes to Brisk or R’Shalom he is going to get away from the normal schedual of being watched and told you have to daven in yeshiva and not in a shteibel,also to get away from pressure of family,and ofcourse to shteig .That learning part can be done also not in E”Y
#147 I apoligize for using the word freezer
HOLY BROTHER When you go to Brisk you are not in a shiur for the first year.You are learning in one of thr B”M .They should bring to Lakewood a talmid of RAvraham Yehoshua,a talmid of R”shalom and a talmid from all the other yeshivos that are learning Kodshim and they will have a shiur to go to.
NECHAMA You are right about the word freezer.Most boys who stay in Lakewood dont get a dime the first 5 years About apartments and furniture it is easier in E”Y than in N.Y.My point of E”Y is that they are coming back when they are 23 -24 ,while the girls are waiting .Also a large % of boys go to E”Y because it is the thing to do.
BPT Parents today are not teaching responsibility to their boys .They go to E:Y with a credit card and the father can tell all his friends that my son is in Brisk or other yeshivos.
YUNGREMAN1 I am against starting to date late.Now i know why you are called Yungerman 1 .You are one of the few Yungermans that start learning at 7 ,believe me if all kollel guys would be like you ,then kollel would have the respect it truly deserves