Reply To: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this Reply To: Girls High School Curriculum: Maybe all the schools need to do this


To those of you who claim that you hated extra curriculum classes in high school and that it was a waste of time- tell me, what 15 year old is interested in learning ANYTHING. Are you telling me that you would have rather been leaning every Rashi in the Torah? How is that going to make you a model mother? I would have loved to learn cooking, sewing etc…. It would have saved me tons of $$ on alterations. As a jewish mother, you always need to add a hem, add a button etc. As for all the Rashis and Rambams I learned, I don’t remember any of them.