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Music to my ears, GOQ.

# 1 – Don’t be discouraged by slow progress. Changing an eating lifestyle takes time. And be VERY wary of diets that promise instant results. I read an inverview by the woman who started FreshStart (in Ami Living a week ago) and she said, “you can lose weight quickly or permanently, but not both.

# 2 – Stay far away from diet soda. It works against you, not with you

# 3 – Walk 30 minutes a day; either a loop, or 15 minutes in one direction, 15 minutes back. Don’t focus on mileage (yet) focus on consistancy (meaning, 7 days a week)

# 4 – Never skip breakfast (except for a Taanis) and dont eat anything after 9:00pm (execpt for fruits)

Considering your overall health condition, all this (my advice and the advice of others) MUST be cleared by your doctor. But if you are committed, we can help you!

Keep us posted!