Reply To: Moving to Israel Because it's Safer There?

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Statistically, EY is the most dangerous place in the world for Jews to be. However on the other hand, it is definitely true that in most frum areas, life can be much more pleasant than in chu”l. Here in Gateshead you have to be very careful with the goyim – just on Thursday evening a violent robbery was committed (goyim on goyim) right in the middle of the Jewish area of town. (That being said, I also remember an even more violent robbery of a money-changer in his own home in my former frum neighborhood in Yerusholayim.)

It is certainly true that one can walk around most areas in EY and generally feel safe, even with an outwardly Jewish (chareidi) appearance, whereas in EY the risk of physical attacks is much bigger. In the last couple of weeks there have been several attacks by chilonim against chareidim, but it pales in comparison to the number of attacks chareidim face in Europe. In fact, because of that reason, I always go ‘undercover’ when I go anywhere outside of the frum area of town. I never felt I needed to hide my Jewishness anywhere in Israel (except for Arab areas which I wouldn’t enter anyway).

So while statistically, EY may be more dangerous, the type of danger is different. In chu”l the danger comes from drunk goyim attacking you with baseball bats. In EY the danger comes from missiles – maybe some day nerve gas or nukes. All we can do is ask Hashem to keep us safe.