Reply To: Do Online Halachic Discussions Cause Some to be Nichshal in Aveiros?

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Do Online Halachic Discussions Cause Some to be Nichshal in Aveiros? Reply To: Do Online Halachic Discussions Cause Some to be Nichshal in Aveiros?


Let’s change this question to be: Does having a forum on a yeshivish site where everyone is free to post whatever they feel like it as long as it can sneak past the mods a good idea? A few years back someone said one of the books of tanach was a historical fraud, and it got past the mods. So assuming the answer is yes and caveat emptor, having a halachic discussion is no worse than anything else on the site. In fact, it’s better because people can’t be manipulated into posting private info like they can on the “socializing” threads, and many members of the CR are excluded by nature of the discussion. Nobody is going to CR coffee room for halacha lemaaseh instead of to their rav.