Reply To: Moving Out of Eretz Yisroel

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I was like Gatesheader, I moved for finanical considerations. After many years and many ups and downs, (it always starts up), I would rather that I had stayed there. and now i run there for a few days whenever i can. Many of my friends there, managed as well if not better than myself, they were just patient and got into good businesses and trades, debt I have here as well, lack of Mazal i had here as well. There is something positive about the when you leave aside all the stupid politics the view of seeing a Shabbos observed in so much of Yerushalayim, in the holy land is just not a scene i have ever seen replicated wadr, in monsey, boro park etc.

You either feel it there or you dont’ it can’t be argued about.

Having said that sure, it can be good to leave there for a few years.