Reply To: Your Favorite Matzohs

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Anuran: Beware, if you are ashkenazi, there is i think a KolBo referenced in the Tur that says you must stick to rekkin dakin (our hard matzos) because of Al titosh toras imecha. On the other hand, if your are of the Sfardi that used soft matzos, you should not use the ashkenazi crackers for the same reason. And tangentially, I have been looking for a way to get away from burning wood, and today a Mizrachi customer showed me the way. A skillet on the gas stove with an electric Saluf pan inverted over it is how she does thick pita, and she says if she gets distracted it burns to a crisp… perfect for a thin crunchy. Nothing as sweet as kibbutz galuyot. Chag kasher vesameach!