Reply To: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against?

Home Forums Health & Fitness Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against? Reply To: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against?

sof davar

One of the most fundamental principles of our constitution and this country is that people are free to live their lives as they see fit. The government is given certain limited powers to make laws for specific purposes. It is not the place of the government of a free people to enforce their definition of health on its citizens. Every person is entitled to choose what they consider to be healthy or choose to be unhealthy and live with the consequences of those choices. I know that I will be better off making my own food choices without bureaucrats in Washington declaring what I may or may not eat. I will teach my children to eat healthy without any help or guidance from Uncle Sam.

In short, the government has no authority to legislate matters of personal choice.