Reply To: Sandra Fluke and Rush

Home Forums Rants Sandra Fluke and Rush Reply To: Sandra Fluke and Rush


Hi MorahRach.

I am not overly a Rush fan. But sometimes, once in a blue moon, he says something in a normal way which makes sense. Otherwise, he is bending the logic and emotionalizing and sensationalizing things.

His point, while jagged and terse, had a point.

The way this lady was on the air talking so openly, publicly, and casually about something very private, was offensive to the delicate sensitivity required of such a topic about the very private life of two people.

In fact, while I am not comfortable with the words Rush chose, in effect, she did prostitute her decency and sensitivity for the National Organization of Women and whatever group prompted her to be the poster child for the “subject” she was addressing.

To speak to bluntly about such a private topic, well, she had it coming to her.

And if it were a guy talking with such bluntness about the same thing, I would say he was a bum, in the very least.