Reply To: Road Rage

Home Forums Travel Road Rage Reply To: Road Rage


Hi hershi.

Road rage is a tough one to get a handle on since there are so many bad drivers out there who do not do what we would like them to do. lol.

Equally, it is a great opportunity for a kiddish Hashem.

I heard a great shiur explaining some of the following:

1. If someone does not move fast enough when the light turns green, you dont have to lean hard on the horn; you are better than that.

2. If someone looks lost like they dont know the roads well or cant find the road they are looking for, dont crowd them or make them feel rushed; you are better than that.

3. If someone is going too slow for you and you want them to get the idea to move over and you run up on their bumper, keep a safe distance; you are better than that.


It is not easy to avoid road rage, but a great opportunity to work on middos. Truly a challenging and great opportunity.

Remember: Anger and danger are just one letter different, so drive safely and calmly.

Hatzlacha to all of us who drive!