Reply To: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody Reply To: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody


The little I know,

I tried editing my response to you. The mods didnt let my last one up.


You said:”

American courts are as corrupt as they get. Whatever problems may exist in beis din, they are thousands of times worse in secular court.”

Some may be corrupt and if you beleive that is the case you can appeal to a higer court, and if the Judge was corrupt he will go to prison. It’s called oversight. It dosnt exsist in the B”D system.

You said,

“Furthermore, if the wife tries to discard the Torah and halacha in using arkaos (secular court) against halacha to seek more favorable treatment in custody and asset distribution issues, the beis din would be correct to advise her to also try to get her “get” issued by a secular court. Since if she refuses to use beis din when she is halachicly required to for money and custody issues, beis din in turn will not be at her service in getting a “get” for her. She shouldn’t think that when it suits her needs she can choose to demand beis din help her get a halachic get, when at the same time she refuses follow halacha in other areas beis din has halachic jurisdiction. “

The guy has to give her a Get. End of story. If they wish to issue a hazmana to her after to ask her to submit for a ruling on custody and or assets. Or tell her she is forbidden Al Pi halacha to try in Arkaos let them do that.