Reply To: New And Returning Members!

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albert einstein used “thought experiments” as part of his methodology.

heres one for you:

if youre not afraid of the truth take it seriously

it just takes a minute, but you have to use some effort to really feel yourself to be in the situation:

you are in a locked booth

there is a large lever

you can pull the lever towards the left, if you believe that you were formed by the random motion of atoms and their components over billions of years

you can pull the lever to the right if you believe you were created by the planning of an intelligence.

if you pull the lever to the side that is false, the booth will blow up

if you pull the lever the side of the truth the door of the booth will be open and you will be set free

if you do nothing, in 3 minutes the booth will blow up

you have no time for rationalizing, you can only do what your heart tells you

really try to experience this, dont just think about it, try to live it and get in touch with the inner you.