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wandering chana: most sepharadim also refrain from eating chudush. also, the sefaradic standard for glatt is more restrictive than the ashkenazi. also, their stance on bishul askim make most kosher restaurants off limits (although rav ovadia does say that bishul akum may not apply to restaurants at all so sefaradim can rely on us for restaurants). also on peysach, some sefaradim (afghanis and some bukharians and iranians) wont eat sugar, believe it or not, on peysach.

on the other hand, most sefaradim eat gelatin (as permitted by rav ovadia). they eat some kitniyos (there are few sefaradim that eat all kitniyos). sefaradim never considered gebruchs on peysach to be problematic. sefardic poskim allow swordfish while ashkenazi do not. sefaradim eat egg matzo on peysach while ashkenazi refrain.