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ItcheSrulik –

2 examples:

A) Kesubos 9a – ????? ??? ???? ????? – there are two unrelated tzdadim of heter: 1) The bi’ah may have been b’ones, even if they were married at the time, and 2) It may have taken place while they weren’t married, even if it was b’ratzon.

B) Famous Teshuvas Harashba – a lion hanging around a coral, in which you find a sheep with a nail in it’s back – 1) maybe the lion never went in, and 2) maybe the nail came from the sheep scratching itself against the wall, even if the lion came in. Not as good as A) because these aren’t completely unrelated, but rather a buildup of sfeikos. However, since we are forced to consider the possibility that the lion never entered at all – because it absolutely could not have been from the lion had the lion not entered – we look at that safek, and then see another one, that maybe the nail didn’t come from the lion after all. This is the pshat in this kind of sfek sfeika that I have gleaned from my rabbeim, even though admittedly I have not learned siman 110.

Our case is even worse than the Rashba’s case. Not only do we not have two independent sfeikos, the question “is the beer flavored or not” is essentially arbitrary. From the onset we should be asking only one question: Are there any non-kosher ingredients?

The fact that the beer is flavored doesn’t truly bring it closer to being treif. It just makes it easier for you to figure it out. That doesn’t constitute another level of safek.