Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

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Avi K -“Popa, anything which is needed for the morale of the troops is part of pikuach nefesh.”

And if you believe this one – I have a bridge to sell you!

This is whole reason they even have women in the army -they say it’s good for morale. It’s not for their army strength. That’s why the Gedolim Paskened it’s Yahrog V’al Yavor.

Avi -Did you ever learn that things like Giloy Arayos are not allowed to be Oiver even if it’s “Pikuach Nefesh”?

So something like singing isn’t a stand alone, it’s to promote Kurva between the two genders -to lead to more Chumradik Aveiros, because that’s the whole reason they are even taken as soldiers!