Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi


I’ve reviewed the daf three times in the last 24 hours. I know that he mistook her for a Jewish woman. The gemoro brings his action as an example of someone prepared to sacrifice for what he saw as kovod shomayim. this act was brought as an example. You are extrapolating praise. It is not in the pshat in the gemoro. The idea of being prepared to sacrifice is considered a lost positive trait that earlier generations had, yes. But this act had neither praise nor condemnation. And there is much, much more about Rav Ada’s praiseworthiness from other mekoros, like the one in taanis i mentioned, or the story of how Rav Huna brought him with to a wine warehouse he thought was on the verge of collapse simply because his virtue would keep the building from falling. You are inferring more than is in the text, and the meforshim on the daf are silent.