Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi Reply To: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi


Nachal Charedi has a website. What I know about NC is what they claim about themselves on their site. They claim that they exist to help those found in no mans land. A young man from the charedi/yeshiva world who is out of place in the world he grew up in, with no future prospects. They say it is a religious, social and economic program for these young men who would otherwise flounder in all 3 areas. Does anyone have an alternate program for such young men? The site claims the program is run according to halacha and has the support of “leading gedolim”. Who those gedolim are is not specified, but I suppose is verifiable by asking them. Those who have a problem with this program, did they reach out to its leadership? If yes, what happened that they went to Rav Elyashiv too? Did they tell Rav Elyashiv about any meetings they may have had with them, if not, why not. If they did not address their concerns with those who run the NC program, why not?