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Home Forums Shidduchim If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? Reply To: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind?



Your post was so comical i had to respond.

1. Nice of you to tell the gedolim what to do.

2. I don’t think there’s a shadchan in the world who makes 5 hard cases a year. And if the did it one year they certainly aren’t able to do it on a consistent basis. And you want that to become statndard practice for ALL shachanim- or else! It’s attitudes like these from people who don’t understand the shidduch/shadchan process that gives shadchanim a bad rap. Maybe try you hand a bit and you’ll sing a different tune

3. “the rabbonim should declare that every shidduch made l’sheim mitzvah gets a sachar in olam haba, whereas evey shidduch made for business purposes gets no more sachar than does working at ANY occupation for a living.”

a. I think they should include Rabbeim, Rabbonim mohalim etc. in this declaration. After all they get paid salaries. What a despicable group. Why can’t they do it lsheim shamayim????

b. for the record, shadchnus money is kosher gelt, the story is told that that chasam sofer would use shadchanus money to buy his esrog. Money paid to rebbeim and mohelim is very questionable as al pi strict halacha one is NOT allowed to receive payment for these services.

To be clear i am not looking to in anyway shape or form to take away what rebbeim rabbonim mohelim etc. deserve and of course for whatever reasons it is stadards practive. I’m just pointing out the warped sense or apporpriatiness that is clear in your post. But don’t feel bad unfortanetly you have lots of company….