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Perhaps YWN would like to offer its website to “older singles” by setting up a shidduch database somewhere onsite. YWN can act as a sort of clearinghouse where people can post information about themselves, or people they know, and its users can be the shadchanim. To ensure anonymity, only basic information with no names, need be posted and designated folks can be points of contact and facilitators for those who have suggestions and would like to take it to the next level. Perhaps YWN readers can get in on the act by donating 2 or 3 dollars a month (I have no idea how many but am willing to bet a thousand people will gladly donate this amount) which can be used to compensate these deignated folks for their time and effort in facilitating this exchange of information. Perhaps some professional shadchanim reading this might consider joining as facilitators. We all believe that 40 days before “yetziras havlad” a bas kol called out bas ploni liploni, hashem already made the shidduch, he needs us to act as his shluchim in getting them together. Perhaps ploni and bas ploni are 6000 miles apart and need people who are connected through a medium such as the internet to help them get together?

Just a thought.