Reply To: where is Bombmaniac and Haifa Girl?

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bomb, I have thought of you many times over the past few months.

I don’t know how to say this bluntly to you, but its coming from a very compassionate sincere place in me, that can relate since we both are coming from a similar background of having had abuse….I feel that you could really use therapy, (just as I could) because I pick up from the tone of some of your comments anger. And that anger is the same voice of pain in disguise that my anger is.

I really understand you and I encourage you to seek help in coming to terms with it all, just as I am embarking on my therapy journey, because if we are to heal ourselves from having been hurt, and have any hopes for a healthy, happy future you must talk it out and narrate your life towards a better future.

By the way, what ever happened with that beautiful long thread you started which described hiding up a mental illness in the frum community.