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In theory it sounds good but in practice it doesn’t usually work. I would think that for one to be able to do this one would have to be holy in the first place. Like a Rebbe or Gadol.

The songs that are being “elevated” are songs by women. Can you explain yo me how it came to be that these Jewish so called frum composers heard these songs in the first place to then be able to make it “elevated” and Jewish?

It seems clear to me that people in the Jewish music world are listening to non Jewish music kol isha and all the other filth that you hear by listening to non Jewish music. These people have polluted their neshamos and lost their sensitivity for what is fine decent and holy they are in NO position to “elevate” any of these songs. You have to be elevated to elevate. Most people in the Jewish music scene are not elevated people. The few who are surprisingly never use non Jewish songs. I wonder why.