Reply To: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim

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The actions of those sub-human yahoos are irredeemable and I assure them and you that they cannot do teshuva for their monumental aveiros and that the have no cheilek in Olam Haba’a.

Irredeemable? Can’t do teshuva? Wow. I’m pretty sure you are wrong on that count.

No cheilek in olam haba? Pretty sure you are wrong on that count also.

sub-human? Ok, you are getting a bit carried away. I don’t think a simple assault makes you sub-human. Actually, nothing you can do makes you sub-human, but I recognize that we don’t like to group ourselves together with really bad people, and sometimes like to think that murderers and rapists are sub-human. But it is totally uncalled for here.

Now, some people call each other sub-human, when they are attempting to de-empathize with them. Like Whites did to Blacks, Nazis did to Jews, Tutsis did to Hutus, etc. If that is what you are doing, then you are the dangerous one who belongs in jail with them.