Reply To: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim

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BTGuy -“Sooooo….is it safe to say that we both think what happened to this girl was a bad thing and this is newsworthy and an embarrassment to Jews?”

Getting spit on is a bad thing. Why do you make me repeat things a hundred times? I hate to say it but you must have a comprehension problem!

Now is it Newsworthy? Well if after the Israeli media finish discussing in gory detail all the crimes that occur on a daily basis in Israel, then I guess they can mention it. But, I really don’t think they would have the time, because the News is only about a half-hour or a hour long. Just discussing one crime in detail would take up the most time. But for some reason (I can’t imagine why) they only have the time to discuss this “Major” crime of spitting.

I guess all crimes in Israel have stopped because 1. – They all are watching the Charedi bashing all day in the news – so there is no time for any criminal activity.

Or 2. – They have all become BT’s, B’H.

Barring these two reasons – they should be discussing the most violent crimes first!

As far as “embarrassment to Jews”, there is a topic on this in the CR, and I have many posts on this. Check it out!