Reply To: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim

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The story is ongoing and very sad. I live here and can tell you that it is a small group of hooligans that attack little girls and sometimes women by spitting on them, hurling things at them and protesting their presence with name calling. The real issue is that Orot Banot, a school was allocated there years ago for the Nofei Aviv community/ Nofei Hashemesh and Sheinfeld residents. Nearby, apartments for various Chasidic groups were erected. Instead of living together harmoniously, these extremeists residents felt it was wrong for these Jews to have a building in “their” area. Truthfully the school is ideally located for the the three neighborhoods it is meant to serve. For a person from outside of Israel who is used to living near non Jews this issue is difficult to comprehend. In the eyes of these extremists, these Jews are not true yorei shomayim or shomrei Torah and mitzvos. Their methods are horrendous and illegal and they are beginning to be prosecuted. They have inflicted long lasting chillul Hashem and pain. Spitting on an eight year old girl dressed in a long sleeved t shirt and long skirt is criminal. They do it to intimidate these families and discourage them from settling in BS. They mostly hate the Anglos who are making aliya (see the video from Haaretz)) since this is who mainly live in the area. Their intimidation is not working, these anglos gave up too much to come to Israel and settle here, and they are not just going to get up and leave. Many chareidim are horrified by this behavior and have distanced themselves from these extremists.

My question is-where do they get their support? Their apartments cost money, they don’t work, and they have large families to feed. Trace the funds and I am sure we will be shocked by who is behind this. Cut off the source of the funding, and see what happens……