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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is every other Woman on Zoloft? Reply To: Is every other Woman on Zoloft?


Thank you YOu have asked the question to which the answer is the issue I am trying to bring light to. I am raising the point that after meeting with the psychiatrist she obviously was very familiar with my chassidish community and culture. She herself is Jewish. She knew what names of dayonim I might be using. When I came away from the appointment, a friend told me on the phone that most women here in our quarter ARE already using that drug I just started. SHe herself is involved in the community and knows through her sisters and friends that its becoming an issue.

This is why i have an opinion its being over prescribed for starters. And the fact its a 5 million dollar a yr industry in North America could be another clue.

Aries, if my response sounded annoyed or harshly toned its nothing personal except that you’re the person behind your comments, whom I was directing my response to. The fact is that where you were going with your point that “its all my fault for taking a med without contacting the family doc or some ob/gyn” is utterly ridiculous. As I have pointed out to you that its the area of expertise for a psychiatrist. And no other doctor would refute that and give me their medical opinion behind their medical peers’ back.

And i understand that we have to be our own advocates, as patients, asking questions and doing our own research but at the end of the day, the professionals are the professionals and they have to assume responsibility for the patient’s treatment and evaluation. I cannot be expected to guide and “educate” doctors as to what I better need. And then hope to find a solution on my terms.

I expect to tell my problem and symtoms to the doctor and they make a judgment. thats what i did and I got drugged with a potentially very dangerous drug that can trap someone once they want to attempt coming off.