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🍫Syag Lchochma

There is another aspect to dialysis, too. My dad was on dialysis for years and when he had to wake up at 4:30 am and shovel out his car from the snow so he could spend three hours in a clinic, or take a taxi in on Yom Tovim, or dread storms that would block the streets and prevent him from getting to the clinic that day he personally would have loved a transplant option. And btw he chose the 4:30 slot so he could continue working full time. But he would not hear of me undergoing surgery on his behalf and when he was finally ‘sick enough’ to ‘make the list’, they told him he was too old to qualify (this was many years ago). So this is not a medical opinion and I speak for nobody but my dad. It is just a view from another side. Also, dialysis causes a drop in blood pressure and once when he was sick they wouldn’t/coudn’t dialize him becuase his blood pressure wasn’t stable enough and it was very uncomfortable for him.