Reply To: Serving Alcohol To Bochurim And Sem Girls And Kids

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Shabbos Recipes General Shabbos Serving Alcohol To Bochurim And Sem Girls And Kids Reply To: Serving Alcohol To Bochurim And Sem Girls And Kids


My real question was about adult boys and girls who are of age to drink.

My veiw is kids should be allowed a sip at the end of the meal (if they behave).

I very often have the afore-mentioned eating by me shabbos meals. Should I give in or not? truth to be told i have a couple ‘lechaims’ my-self, should i supply to them as well. and is it my responsibilty to say when enough is enough so that they don’t stumble out absolutely plastered?

It sure does lighten the atmosphere which is great when your having strangers.