Reply To: NASI Initiative

Home Forums Shidduchim NASI Initiative Reply To: NASI Initiative

☕ DaasYochid ☕

far vos,

Neither of you have yet to refute (AZ hasn’t even attempted) my question as to how this will cause there to be any less older girls in the future.

Untrue; I have.

The only answer you keep coming back to is that in a mathematically perfect world, everything evens out.

Again, untrue. As I’ve already pointed out, there will be a higher percentage of girls who marry, according to the degree of closure of the age gap. It would work on a sliding scale. Your implication that it’s an all or nothing proposition, or that anyone claimed that, is inaccurate.

It comes down to one simple question that I would hope you would be able to answer: what makes you think that every other factor will remain “constant” in the face of manipulation?

Simple answer: every other factor does not have to remain constant for closing the age gap to be an effective measure in closing the gender discrepancy.

This plan doesn’t allow for any other variable to change. It assumes everything else stays the same.

A false assumption.

miritchka, they are putting a price on the girls heads.</em.

Nobody can stop you, or anyone else, from taking a negative perspective on this, but there’s absolutely no reason to look at it this way.

By telling parents their 30 year old daughters wont be looked at for less than $10,000, its not right because even though they dont mean to, shadchanim may demand teh $10,000 even if the girl is not part of the NASI list.

I don’t think shadcanim would have the gall to demand such a thing on their own, although I suppose if this initiative works, we’ll see if I’m right. Al pi halacha, I highly doubt that they would have a right to demand it after the fact.