Reply To: NASI Initiative

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DaasYochid: I don’t think he definition of “older singles” will be changing. At least according to NASI, it seems pretty clear that 22+ is “older”. That is their definition.

“In a “perfect” scenario (mathematically), every girl will have a potential husband.”

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfectly mathematical world. If we are going to solve problems, let’s try and do it while dealing with reality. NASI’s idea will work only if EVERY person marries someone born in the exact same year. That is definitely not going to happen, nor should it. The fact is that, as things currently stand (meaning without economic incentives), there is a percentage of girls who get left out. What is that percentage? There is no firm answer, but let’s assume it is the 3 or 4% that you say. Now, once there are incentives to redt shidduchim to older (in place of younger) girls, the amount of “younger” girls will quickly turn into “older”. Meaning all NASI is doing is replacing who gets married now, without taking into consideration the future older girls (however you want to define “older”). I’m not arguing with the concept of the age gap. I am just pointing out that there are unintended consequences to the plan set forth by NASI.