Reply To: davening/ learning in English

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The answer to many of the questions raised is obvious, of course. One has to learn Hebrew, even if they are starting with the Alef Beis. In fact, I think someone starting from scratch deserves tremendous hakaros hatov.

I remember struggling to daven from a machzor on the critical holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. My davening was like molasses on a cold, winter day. I could not keep up and in my mind did not even accomplish anything by trying to scan the English and read the Hebrew and look up out of the siddur to what page the person next to me was holding….I was a davening mess.

Baruch Hashem! I finally feel competent to do a legitimate davening from the siddur. It came from gradual struggle. And you can bet that I am not the only one who has done this.
