Reply To: Articel on NY Post Web-site on religious Jews child abuse

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With such serious issues, in which often there are very legitimate reasons for not publicizing things, and for not taking specific steps that any idiot could think of (if you need examples just look at some posts here), the questions are who do you trust? and who knows better? and the answer is, for me, clearly, without hesitation, first my personal Rav, then the consensus of Rabbonim. Are there problems? sure. Who has the solutions? Bright people, that dedicate their lives to Klal Yisroel, know Halachah, won’t hesitate to do what’s right, and have the capability to PRUDENTLY do what is necessary. Are there exceptions among Rabbonim? sure. Is the world perfect? No. If you want to name the entity that caused everything, I can do that for you – GOD. Do Teshuvah, talk to your Rabbi, stick your nose into something productive, and fewer children will be molested. Guaranteed.