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I feel bad for him. Because most people don’t become addicted on purpose. Since he seems to be open about it, maybe he can sort of appoint someone to sort of be on top of him about it. Like lets say he says that he will not listen from 6 to 8 pm and that person should ask him if he did or not. (this is advice for anyone who has a bad habit they want to break)

Also, I at one point was getting into checking things up online that were really causing me to waste a lot of precious time and although I wasn’t going to anything terribly bad there was nothing for me to lose overthere. I now redesigned my filter that it blocks everything except for what’s on my white list. of course that sounds like a bandaid solution but sometimes a bandaid is what you need until the cut heals. once i got out of it, i lost the interest. the only way i would get back in would be to get access and now I will have a much easier time fighting my yetzer hara.

Maybe it would actually be worth it for your cousin to remove his radio! He can get an alarm clock without radio and can disconnect it from his car. Then again, it might be too drastic and he’ll look for some other way. So maybe he can remove it just from his car, or at work etc.

Of course, as with all other habits, it’s best to not get involved to begin with!