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Rabbi, a Leading Advocate For Holocaust Survivors, Dies

klausner.jpgThe first Jewish rabbi to enter liberated concentration camps during World War II died at his Santa Fe home Thursday night. Abraham Klausner, 92, was well-known for his activism with Holocaust survivors, including those from the camp at Dachau.

Klausner was the first person to collect and publish lists of Holocaust survivors in volumes called Sharit ha-Platah, meaning the surviving remnant. He filled the top floor of a Berlin museum with his work trying to reconnect children of the Holocaust to their families, his wife said.

“He saved the lives of thousands of Jewish survivors and brought them together as much as he could with any families that would still be alive,” she said.

8 Responses

  1. Could be that Artscroll or Mesorah publications may one day release a book about the “regular rabbis” of our generation?

  2. bklynmom – Perhaps, but it certainly will not include Mr. Klausner. While Mr. Klausner surely did many mitzvos, as I understand, helping yidden after the war, he wasn’t a Rabbi. (He was a so-called ”Rabbi” in a Reform so-called ”synagogue.”)

  3. JOSEPH: dont you ever have a positive comment on anything? must you be so negative? the man did great chesed for klal yisroel!! in addition he was an activist for millions of survivors!! does anytrhing elese be said?? THINK before you write…your attitude of negativity should be kept to yourself!!

  4. I think Joseph is being misunderstood. He’s only saying that ARTSCROLL wouldn’t do a book about Mr. Klausner because he was a Reform “rabbi,” not an Orthodox Rov.

    Neither he nor I have said whether this is right, wrong, good, or bad. Just that Artscroll has that approach.

    Whether or not you agree with the sentiment, that is indeed how Artscroll would probably consider the matter, or so I imagine.

  5. gezintumenucho, re-read my comment. I complimented him.

    My pointing out that he is not a Rabbi is necessary considering the headline.

  6. hey Joseph – don’t let gezintumenucho get to you – he/she was just being so negative, maybe he/she just can’t have a positive comment on anything. after all your good posts in YW perhaps he/she should have tried thinking before he/she whote and kept the negativity to him/herself!

  7. Re: ARTSCROLL and their choice of biographies.
    If A did NOT publish a book on the esteemed individual, go and research him/her out they are worth knowing and emulating.

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