Reply To: What was the worst tragedy in your life (that youre willing to speak about) and

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee What was the worst tragedy in your life (that youre willing to speak about) and Reply To: What was the worst tragedy in your life (that youre willing to speak about) and


Ya, I don’t think he took it seriously enough. They wanted him to stay at least another month and then go into sober living. Instead he decided to come home and used 3 weeks later.

He’s on disability for Chron’s Disease. He spends most of his money on drugs…my parents live in a really dangerous neighborhood because they can’t afford to live anywhere else. There are drug houses everywhere. I can go on with this story but this forum is kind of public though we don’t know each other’s real names.

Lately there has been a family mess and I’m trying to stay out of it, albeit not doing such a great job.