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Jothar! You have to be putting us on.

Here is the danger in what you are doing by setting yourself up to be a look out, even though you are unsure of many things and have no power to do anything but run around saying the sky is falling:

If two people are talking and they seem to share a common location or know of a nice restaurant in the same area and one asks if they know where so and so pizza shop is, etc., YOU come running in with your badge and boots clopping on the floor and point and say you are stopping a crime in progress.

Well, what exactly is that crime? Also, you should realize you are merely guessing that someone is “mining” information rather than just talking. You are not a trained law enforcement investigator, as far as I know.

The danger of you “outting” someone “you think” is doing something wrong opens you and the rest of us up to a ton of Shmiras HaLoshon problems. AND, if you are wrong you have the problem of if the person leaves or changes their screen name, you can not ask them to be mochel you. That carries for eternity.

I would say if you suspect something, report it to the local internet crimes bureau and let them handle it because a suspicion is not the crime.

Frankly, your monotonous theme is in every one of your posts to the point I am suggestion you are the one with online communication issues.

Stop with the “shmiras halashon” scream. Enough of that already. We are dealing with a very sick demented mentally disturbed person who intimidates, stalks, harasses people, steals from people, and lots of other illegal behavior.