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Who am I to advise? But you posted here in the CR and I will offer my humble opinion based on the info you provided. You can choose to comment or snicker or maybe even accept. Regardless, whatever you choose to do, may it be with help from Hashem.

In many cases of divorce, there is lack of communication. This leads to lack of understanding, and perception. When a husband and wife talk calmly and respectfully to each other it is the stepping stone for a happy marriage. But talk to each other. Talk calmly and discuss things. Never scream! even if one is angry, express your hurt calmly with control on your anger. If it is a parnassa issue, maybe discuss with a third party. Express what you are feeling and don’t ASSUME what the other partner was thinking. Don’t be shy or embarrassed to say I’m sorry if you hurt your spouses feelings or ego. there are so many misunderstandings in marriage because of lack of communication. And that means to listen to what the other is saying as well. Maybe, MAYBE DO something nice for her out of the ordinary. Buy her a small gift out of love. Go out for a bite. But then express yourself and talk how you want to try to fix the situation. Think and dwell on the love you had for each other by your wedding day, and hold onto those feelings. yes the kids need you both, but so do you two need each other. lastly, and perhaps most importantly, daven and don’t stop to daven.

I wish you both the very best and BE”H you should both be matzliach.