Reply To: Is it halachically wrong to give Tzedakah to a known addict?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is it halachically wrong to give Tzedakah to a known addict? Reply To: Is it halachically wrong to give Tzedakah to a known addict?


When I hand over a few coins to a man begging, I prefer to just know I did my “part” by giving to the needy without knowing what he is going to use it for. And what he does with it after wards is his business. But even if I did know that he was giong to use the tzedakah for drugs,,,,in a way, i do think its kind and considerate to give tzedakah to a druggie because then we are preventing a multitude of possible dangerous situations he can come to- including aveiros and death in a “druggie lifestyle & culture”.

He won’t have to sell his body, his soul, or steal or kill. And until he gets read drug addiction treatment he won’t suffer without his badly needed drugs that should he go without can cause tremdendous suffering and sickness. Physiologically and psychologically