Reply To: Egalitarian Minyan?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Egalitarian Minyan? Reply To: Egalitarian Minyan?


“Seeing as everyone is all into proving things ad absurdum, what is the halachic source that tradition is never enough.”

Why is it absurd to ask for the halachic source for something that is ingrained in tradition?

“Well, I think you came across as more of a troll this way.”

Although this is my first post, I have long been a lurker here. So I actually have a good deal of respect for you. That being said, I am not sure where you are coming from in this case. I assumed the position which is held here and almost everywhere (orthodox) and respectfully asked why it is the case and then thanked people both before and after they responded. I don’t really know that there was a better to do it. But if you feel that there was, I apologize.