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Yoiske, I davened in a chabad-leaning minyan. We skipped tachanun for yartzeits, “Rosh hashana” ie 19 kislev, etc. We did NOT skip it on 3 tammuz.
My brother bought a tape from Crown Heights. Lyrics were things like “3 tammuz didn’t change a thing, the rebbe’s still our leader, our master and our King” and other such things.
A chabadsker who tried being “mekareiv” me told me that Yaakov Avinu Lo Meis and therefore the Rebbe didn’t die either. The chevra kaddisha who took care of him might have something to say about that, but that’s for another time.
I once ended up davening in a chabad shul. They said “yechi” at the end of davening as a chant.
I have a hard time believing that I have the mazel of bumping into all the crazies.
yoiske, what does it mean “against him idealogically”? No such thing. There were maamarim of the Rebbe which made many Litvishe gedolim realize that something was amiss. This isn’t a moyfes. It’s a matter of reading what was written and saying this is shtus or apikorsus. Eg, the teshuva that the rebbe’s atzmius makes it muttar to daven to him directly, etc.
The Rebbe himself used to encourage the view that he was moshiach, as is listed on the websites of all of his enthusiastic supporters (he used to say moshiach “mammash”, the other maaselach, etc.