Reply To: Lubavitch

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Lubavitch Reply To: Lubavitch

yossi z.

Jothar: if you knew anything about chassidus in general you wouldn’t have said what you did about the living with the rebbe column.

Toi: how many lubavitchers do you know to qualify your statement? The majority of lubavitchers I know are non yechi. The rebbe ZY”A was very against outward fighting and preferred settling things peacefully. What those lubavitchers against the wackjobs do, is to work even harder to show what is a proper lubavitcher. Is it fair that the non wackjobs have to work so hard? No but the rebbe never liked it and were he alive today still wouldn’t like it. Therefore, the lubavitchers continue to follow the rebbe’s will even after death. Actually, yechi started when the rebbe first fell ill so if the rebbe were alive and well today the problem wouldn’t exist.

Itche: yes you have real lubavitch gezhe in the CR though as stated in my first post I do not like flaunting my yichus or anything like it. IF they are questions to benefit the rabim and not just questions to prove which side of an argument that people shouldn’t be a part of is right, then go ahead and ask.

😀 ish zuber 😀