“mw13 – Feel free to argue on the Midrash Rabbah.”
Chas v’shalom. The Midrash says that from here we learn not to take Chumros more seriously than din; nowhere does it say that we should have “lesschumras”.
“My name is less, not no chumras. To the extent that I have an agenda, it’s the proliferation of chumras to the point peolple start believing a chumra is tha actual halacha ( as happened when Chava thought simply touching the tree was the ikar, not the chumra”
I agree that chumros can, in some cases, be harmful; but that does not mean that “the proliferation of chumras” in general should be opposed. Just the opposite; being machmir in halacha is a wonderful thing.
“However,it’s gotten to the point where my machutten won’t eat anything cooked in my wife’s pots because we ea gebrocht”
I don’t see how that is confusing minhag with halacha. If their minhag is not to eat pots used to cook gebrokts, than that is the minhag; following it does not mean that they believe it is halacha.
“I oppose any Chumra being passed off as a Chiyuv/Issur D’Oraisa.”
So do I.
“Doing so is itself an Issur D’Oraisa of Bal Tosif.”
Incorrect. Baal Tosif is only adding to an actual mitzva; the classic example is adding a fifth parsha to Teffilin. Claiming that a chumra is a chyuv may be wrong, but it’s certainly not Baal Tosif.
And might I point out that while calling for less chumros, perhaps you should make sure that you’re not being unappropriately machmir yourself.