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PBA: Well I have smicha from someone who is a greater talmid chochom than the person who gave you smicha who is a greater talmid chochom than Rav Schachter, and that person also respects my Torah knowledge and also called me a “Rav Hagadol B’Torah U’vyirah”

And since I think that Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm is a Talmid Chacham, and the person who gave me smicha is a bigger tamid chochom than the person who gave you smicha who is a greater talmid chochom than Rav Schachter, that means Dr. Norman Lamm *is* a Talmid Chacham (unless of course, someone else comes along, who was given smicha from a greater talmid chochom that the the person who gave me smicha who is a greater talmid chochom than the person who gave you smicha who is a greater talmid chacham than Rav Schachter, and that person also respects his Torah knowledge and also called him a “Rav Hagadol B’Torah U’vyirah” and he thinks Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm isn’t a talmid chacham.)