Reply To: Aveirah L'Sheim Shamayim

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Chassidishe Sefarim, especially early ones are to be read with a certain context. Looking back with a Litvish or technical reading, you’ll find everything to be very weird. They were written for those who were ‘in the Parsha’.

I once heard that when Reb Aron complained bitterly about how in Chabbad they said that a Chassid is like a Kohen and the Rebbe is like the Kohen Gadol, Reb Gedalya Shor said that he just didn’t understand the language. He said, “Did the Lubavitcher mean that a Rebbe can go in to Lifnai Velifnim? No. He meant that a Chossid should have Shaychus with his Rebbe.”

I’ve felt for a long time that the major Hisnagdus was the outcome of hearing things without being there to understand the context. A Chossid, who learned the terms from the Chassidus and his Rebbe, knows how to take it. To an outsider, who is only used to technical understandings, it would sound like claims of the Merkava visiting.