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“I felt like I had no connection to reality and to the outside world. Checking my messages one time every shabbos helped me a lot. “

Im not judging you chas veshalom, but this is a fundamental mistake that people make. The “outside world” is NOT reality. The world of technology and business and all that….its not reality for a Jew, its a DISTRACTION from reality.

Reality is spirituality, reality is being alive, feeling alive, which comes from being connected to Torah and being connected to Hashem.

Gashmiyus only gives temporary enjoyment or allows us temporarily to get lost and forget that we have a soul.

The road to true happiness is getting in touch with your inner self and connecting to Hashem. Gashmiyus blocks all of that and one can never get to Hashem if he/she is steeped in Gashmiyus and his/her entire enjoyment in life is his gashmiyus and whatever his/her money can buy him/her.